We are pleased and proud to announce that Mark Pearce BSc(Hons) FPTS MRICS has been invited by The Pyramus & Thisbe Society (a leading organisation in Party Wall & Neighbourly surveying matters) to join the Fellowship of the Society, for his services in supporting the Thames Valley Branch through the Secretary role on the Committee.

Mark has welcomed the invitation and added "FPTS" to his post-nominals.
[Fellow of the Pyramus & Thisbe Society, the Society is also known as "P&T"]
Here is what Mark has to say about how he would like to assist in the world of Party Wall Surveying...
Through the Fellowship, Mark will be able to 'impart to other Surveyors what he practices' .... which is being dedicated to a fair application of The Party Wall etc Act 1996.
"I am proud to be part of one of the leading organisation of Party Wall Surveyors. The Party Wall etc Act 1996 is a fairly unusual piece of legislation, in that it can affect nearly every property owner at any time... but many building owners and adjoining owners that I encounter do not understand the Act's purpose in the slightest, and often they have never heard of it. What is more disturbing is that many who are appointed by owners as a Surveyor do not administer the role properly either. Through the Fellowship, I will be able to 'impart to other Surveyors what I practice', which is being dedicated to a fair application of The Party Wall etc Act 1996. This is where I would like to see things improved, the legislation has been with us outside of London for well over 25 years now, how is it therefore that so many 'Surveyors' are still getting it so wrong and making decisions that are unfair. By educating Surveyors to be better Party Wall Surveyors then property owners will all be better served."
For any Surveyors interested in learning more about being a Party Wall Surveyor then they would be welcome to visit Thames Valley Branch events, they are generally evening gatherings held four times a year. The Branch meets very close to Junction 6 of the M40 (on the Buckinghamshire/Oxfordshire borders).
Please Contact us via our email for more information or head over to the Pyramus & Thisbe Website for other Branch Events being held across the country. https://pyramusandthisbesociety.org/branches/