For our February 2022 update - please see our new blog 'Living & Working alongside Covid'

The following is now out-of date information. Where it is necessary for Surveyors to visit Buildings, then we are still permitted to under current Government Regulations and we will follow the relevant and up-to- date guidelines for reducing the spread of Covid-19.
For extra protection - for the wider community, occupants, our Clients and Surveyors - we are taking responsibilities when doing so very seriously.
What are we doing?
When possible we will make arrangements to avoid going into any building, so discussions and meetings will either being occurring on-line or, if a property does need to be seen and discussed, then that will take place outside.
We are limiting the number of visits to occupied properties during the week. In fact we are not visiting more than one property in any one day and when possible we are spacing visits apart with days in between,
Where we are visiting a property then we are requiring that the occupants need to leave the building for the duration of our visit.
We are guiding owners about the need for cleansing and cleaning buildings that we visit before and after.
The Surveyor will wear a face covering for the duration of the visit.
The Surveyor's hands will be sanitised before entering, when leaving (and multiple times in between).
We will be limiting the number of surveying tools and equipment being taken inside to only those which are necessary.
Any surveying tools or equipment that are taken inside will not have been used during any other surveys in the previous 72 hours (or will have been sanitised where practical).
We have communication channels in place for all properties that we are visiting, so that everyone who might be affected understands the requirements and understands the risks. This communication will include sharing when there are any vulnerable persons, and notifying when persons have (or have had) any reportable symptoms of Covid-19 or are required to be self-isolating.
And thank you for all the kind offers of tea & biscuits of the past... but we are sadly going to need to decline those for now too :-(
Together we can be safe and still Survey for our Clients.
Thank you.
Please note with this rapidly changing situation the guidelines may change before we are able up-date this page or publish any new information. Rest assured we will have actioned all that we need to and when required even if this page is out of date.