We're back to Visiting and Surveying all properties, but we'll be keeping some precautions and measures in place to protect you and us.
Let's keep it simple and keep it safe:-
As much as possible we'll meet and discuss matters outside.
Only those needing to be present should be present.
Everyone that can wear a mask/face-covering is requested to do so whilst indoors.
Everyone must be symptom-free in the 10-days before and on the day of the visit.
Nobody should be isolating due to a recent exposure to a covid case.
Whenever possible everyone should have taken a Rapid Lateral Flow Test (with negative result) shortly before the visit.
At PBSC we have formulated our guidance and contractural implications that all persons, who may be affected by a Surveyor visiting a property, need to understand and accept before a contract between us and the client is put in place.

1) On the day of placing instructions, the day before a home visit and on the day of a home visit the occupants of the household and the Surveyor must be free of all Symptoms of COVID-19 (Symptoms as published at the time by the Government).
2) If any person in the household has in the previous 30 days had any symptoms of COVID-19 then the last date of those symptoms being experienced must be shared with us (NB we do not need to know what the symptoms were or which member(s) of the household had them). The duration between the symptoms and the date of the visit will be used by the Surveyor to assess the risks that they will be exposed to. The reciprocal will also apply of the Surveyor who will share with you, if applicable, for the Surveyors household.
3) Before an appointment for us to visit is made, the client must advise us if there is anyone in the household who is clinically vulnerable (whether by underlying health conditions and/or age, as defined and published by the Government at the time). This information will be used to discuss with the household what additional protection measures may be needed.
4) The occupants of the household must accept that, whilst the Surveyor and PBSC will take reasonable measures (as described) to reduce the chance of spreading the virus, there will always be underlying risks that the virus could be carried into the home by the Surveyor. The only way to eliminate this risk completely would be for the Surveyor not to visit. The occupants of the household need to be fully aware of this risk, including fully understanding the severity of the consequences of catching the virus. (The Government publish clear information about the disease and the risk of dying with the virus). (The (or a) ‘responsible' person within the household will be expected to make a joint decision (with discussion with others where appropriate and accept the risks on behalf of all in the household).
5) All members of the household must be willing and able to leave the property for the duration of the visit if requested by the Surveyor. Alternatives may be set by the Surveyor, which may include asking one ‘spokesperson’ to remain to identify issues or asking members to remain in one room with a closed door where that room does not need to be accessed by the Surveyor.
6) Everyone in the household who can wear a face covering or mask must wear one for the duration of the Surveyor's visit. The Surveyor will also wear a face covering.
7) The Surveyor will use hand sanitiser before and after the visit and may use hand sanitiser or hand washing during the visit.
8) Where possible all relevant doors to/from rooms should be left open (or be opened) by the occupant(s) of the household.
9) Before the Surveyor arrives the household should wipe down, with normal antibacterial cleaning methods, all handles that the Surveyor may need to touch. The same should be undertaken by the household after the Surveyor has left.
10) Where any party has any concern with anything within items 1 to 9 above, or is not able to meet any of the above, then they are not obliged to agree to give or accept the instructions. Having given or accepted the instructions then no fee will be charged or cost claimed for postponing an appointment where symptoms of COVID-19 are then reported or experienced later.
This information is current at the time of up-dating, and may differ from the terms or wording that might be given at future dates or in specific circumstances or in client-specific correspondence.